 > Mr. Kraw
I've been a big PC fan for years, and have almost resorted to zealotry in the past concerning the Intel platform and MicroSoft products. However, after much hands-on experiementing with a variety of other platforms, notably Macintosh, I have come to realize that each has particular merits that make them worthwhile. That being said, what is the root of all the bigotry and bias towards the MS platform? The way I see it, bot Mac and the various *nix platforms have a lot going for them, particularly Linux, because it seems beautifully stable... and the new iMac is quite simply a piece of art made computer. Ideas?


The Experts Respond:
 > Dante
Let me tell you a story. Many moons ago, Apple was the computing choice over IBM. Now, here come a few companies that want to make versions of these systems. Apple declines, wanting to retain their firm standards of quality control.

 > IT Ninjas!
IBM, however, allowed people to develop and expand its system, and many "clones" sprang up. What did all these clones have in common? Intel processors and the Windows OS.


 > Dante
Economics dictate that as supply increases, competition drives prices down, so these PCs actually became an attractive alternative to Apple computers. They especially became attractive to businesses, who saved even more on bulk purchases of these PCs.

 > IT Ninjas!
PCs became a sort of tradition, and as all traditions, the younger generation followed it blindly, without giving thought as to its reason. When forced to consider their use of a PC, many fell back on emotion, and thus, gave rise to unreasonable bias.

 >Lucca Ashtear
Mac users, on the other hand, held no such biases.

 > Dante

Whatever, buttercup. Many a Mac user has cited "ease of use," "aesthetic of design," and "superior graphic capabilities" without fact to back up those claims.

 > Dante
So, you see, it's all about familiarity. Each system is pretty much equal, but each has its inherent stengths and weaknesses. And personally, the new iMac looks sweet. Like a desk lamp of tomorrow.